Meet the founder – We Are Polen

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I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, in a magical environment surrounded by plants, animals, a family full of laughter, kindness, and friends! Artist and graphic designer, I am a lover of nature and beauty in all its forms. I have had the chance to live in many parts of the world. During my time away I always felt the need to go home, only to come back to the realization that home lies within you, the people that you love, and the memories that fill your soul with happiness! These feelings helped me create a nest to call my own wherever I happened to be. 

My artistic work has been constantly focused on migration issues. I have always tackled this subject through winged animals, which in contrast to humans always return to their place of origin. 

Inspired by nature, beauty, and the exile of my very own people I created Polen.

Polen is the Spanish word for pollen - the tiny yet robust particles that form a crucial link in our lifecycle. I am inspired by the way in which pollen overcomes adversity and, despite the odds, finds a way to flourish.

With Polen, I have put together all my passions, the love for nature and beauty, the possibility to create with a  purpose, and the desire to help people create their own beautiful nest. Polen is my way to connect with you, the other, and to my true self.

Maria Teresa González

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