Privacy & Terms | We Are Polen | Weaving People Together

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Privacy & Terms

This Is How We Use Your Information:

At Polen, we use the data you provide for the following purposes:

  1. Provide you with access to the content produced by us.
  2. Analyze behavioral data to help us improve user experience.
  3. In specific cases, we will be contractually obligated to share your data with one of our third-party partners (for example, webinars and special events). In these cases, we will make it clear that the data you share will be transferred to the third party. You will always have the option to not have your information shared by not taking part in that specific program.

You Can Ask Us to Delete Your Data:

You can unsubscribe from our communications at any time, you may do so in the footer of any of our emails.

If you would like us to delete your information entirely, or request details about the information we store about you, contact us at

By continuing to interact with us, you give us permission to manage and use your data as described above.

About Security and Storage:

Only your order data billing, shipping, and order contents data is stored on our server. This information is encrypted using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) before it is transmitted over a web server. We do not store your credit card data.

Cookies and Browser:

Cookies are small files located on your computer that allow us to recognize you on your next visit or store your shopping cart contents. We use them only to track this information.

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