The Making | We Are Polen | Weaving People Together

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The Making

Our Process

Light yellow circle, internally contains a rectangular triangle and an inclined line that crosses it at the top


Once the drawings are ready, we take them to Bagru, India. The designs are then hand carved into soft Indian rosewood by exceptional artists. It is an almost magical process -an ancestral and exceptional skill passed down from one generation to the next.

Light blue circle containing several concentric circles in black and white tones


Once carved, the wood block is dipped into a tray of AZO-free paint. The amount is painstakingly measured out to achieve perfect results. With paint applied, the wooden block is pressed against the fabric precisely and firmly, with just one tap!

Pink circle that contains the outline of a flower and is in turn concentrated concentric lines


The Kantha stitch is a traditional technique which uses one continuous running thread and it takes groups of joyful women and many months to complete a single piece. After two months of patience and dedication, your finished piece is ready for your home.

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