FAQ | We Are Polen | Weaving People Together

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How Should I Care For My Quilt?

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Your kantha quilts are hand made and delicate. Should only be washed by hand with cold water and a gentle soap or dry cleaned. Be careful with the stitches.


How Do You Find Your Artisans?

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With thorough search but mostly through magical encounters and through local friends.  After visiting many artisans we only choose the best skilled but especially those who laugh the most and are willing to adventure with our designs  If you want to know more just click here. 

Are Your Artisan Partners Paid Fairly?

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The artisans are our partners, not our workers; they work from their homes. They work with their families and are fairly paid.


How Does Polen Gives Back?

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Polen is a social enterprise that warms body and spirit trough home textiles. With the purchase of any product you will be covering a person in need with love and affection. We work hand in hand with different NGOs who focus on homelessness. If you want more information about the Polen Loop of giving just click here.

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